Use of Technology in Classrooms

The integration of technology in the classroom will help to enhance the learning for students.  Students use technology on a daily basis with cell phone, smart phones, computers, and MP3 players (the new name for a cassette player).  The days of listening to music on a CD or tape is out dated much like caring around a boom box while listening to music, so are the days of not incorporating some type of technology into our lessons. 

Technology can be simply Incorporated by using a document camera, interactive white boards, or graphing calculators.  Too many younger teachers these types of technologies are common and they are technologies that they may have grown up using.  For example, the graphing calculator was not used many until around 1990 and the Internet showed around this time too.  So how do we teaching with technology - easy.. one step at a time.  

I suggest finding one type of technology you seem to link, play with it, then find another teacher, Internet resource, or class to take to learn more about how to implement it effectively into your classroom. 

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